Self-Healing Through Miracles
You have the capacity to heal every aspect of your life. No matter who you are, your gender, race, or religion..we all have been born with the ability to not only heal ourselves, but perform miracles. It is something that is a given within each and every one of us.
You may have been taught or programmed through life to believe that these powers are outside of you, but that is not true. What is true is that we all have powers beyond our own comprehension. At From The Planet, we hope to help guide you back to your natural powerful abilities to heal and create miracles within your life and the world around you.
First, we have to deprogram ourselves from the things we were taught to believe. This can be challenging, but it is a necessary step to get back to our True Self. This kind of relearning doesn't happen overnight, as you did not learn and experience everything overnight. It is a journey that will take time, patience, forgiveness and lots and lots of love.
- How do we deprogram? There are plenty of resources to help guide you through this process. Out of those resources, we hope to inspire you to become students in A Course in Miracles. It is the profound self-study spiritual curriculum that teaches that choosing love over fear is the way to experience miraculous changes in your life.
The Course teaches students that the way to universal love, happiness, and inner peace is through undoing guilt and forgiving yourself and others. You will learn how your ability to shift your perception on what you believe to be true, will lead to a greater sense of understanding and can change the way we experience the world.
Although it is fundamentally easy, many people who have purchased the Course have never completed it. They find it too wordy, too long, too complicated or whatever “too” they feel it to be. At From The Planet, our team started with learning from teachers of the Course, such as Marianne Williamson, Alan Cohen, and Gabrielle Bernstein.
The internet is full of lectures, webinars, and of course, there are plenty of books by these and other authors on the subject. From there, you will be self guided on when you are ready to start A Course in Miracles on your own. Even if you don’t choose the Course itself, these teachings will help you begin the journey to understanding the miracle worker you are. See you along the journey to self-healing and miracles!